
4 days ago
4 days ago
Hide and Seek... we've all played it - whether as kids or with kids - it's a perennial favorite. As "It" begins the countdown with eyes squeezed shut, kids scatter to find the perfect hiding spot. Excitement builds as the call rings out... "Ready or not, here I come!" Anticipation builds as the 'hiders' wait... will you be found? This is week 5 of our series Hope for Today, Faith for Tomorrow. We're working our way through Paul's letters to the young church in Thessalonica. In this portion of his letter, Paul begins to sort out some confusion about the return of Jesus and how Christ-followers should live in light of it. His words provide much-needed clarity for the Thessalonian believers, and for us as well.I hope you'll join us this Sunday at 11 AM as we pursue a clearer understanding of what the return of Jesus means for those who follow Him. You can worship with us via Facebook, YouTube, or by clicking the 'Join Us Sunday' button on our website. But better by far is to join us in person. Come have a cup of coffee and make a new friend. We would love to connect with you.We do know that 11 AM on Sunday doesn't work for everyone. If that's you, the service will be available on-demand, so that you can watch at a time that works better for your schedule.Ready or not... Jesus is returning! Will He find you waiting with anticipation?
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Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
We've had almost a full week of sunshine and I LOVE IT! The days are warmer, the sky is bluer, and the daffodils are blooming. Everywhere I look, there are signs of new growth. Spring is springing! Which reminds me... the clock 'springs forward' this Saturday as Daylight Saving Time begins. We would hate to miss worshipping with you... so adjust your clocks and go to bed early! We're in week 4 of our series on Paul's letters to the Thessalonians. We've titled this series Hope for Today // Faith for Tomorrow, and we've reached the final chapter of 1 Thessalonians. As Paul begins to conclude this first letter, he's focused on encouraging his readers to keep growing in their faith. Just as spring brings signs of growth in the natural world, Paul wants to see continual evidence, or signs of spiritual growth in the lives of the Thessalonian believers. He's cheering them on in their pursuit of becoming more and more like Jesus and giving them practical instruction for the journey.
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Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
I love to travel! I enjoy seeing new places, meeting new people, and riding new rollercoasters. I don't know if the Apostle Paul necessarily enjoyed traveling - it was definitely a more arduous endeavor then than it is for us today. But I'm sure he knew a thing or two about what it takes to prepare for a long journey and the importance of planning ahead. This is week 3 of our series Hope for Today // Faith for Tomorrow and we're in chapter 3 of Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians. In this section of his letter, we catch a glimpse of Paul's deep desire (to travel) to be with his Thessalonian friends. But even more than that, he wanted to be sure that they were living each day with their eternal destination in view. Day-to-day life can easily distract or discourage us from focusing on eternity. There is much that demands our attention. But Paul reminds us of the importance of holding tight to an eternal perspective.
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Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Wednesday Feb 26, 2025
Wednesday Feb 26, 2025
Talk to any school teacher and they will confirm that the final stretch of the school year, between Spring Break and the early part of June is HARD! Add in bright sunshine and warm temperatures, and the chance of getting students to focus on learning is zero to none. The goal is in sight, the school year is almost over, but the distractions are overwhelming!Finishing strong is tough for just about everyone. No matter what kind of long-term goal you've set, or project you're working on... we're all prone to letting frustration or difficulties get in the way.We're in week two of our series Hope for Today // Faith for Tomorrow this Sunday. In chapter 2 of Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians, he unpacks what it looks like to be faithful to Jesus for the long haul... to stay the course and finish strong.
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#dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2025sermon
Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
To put down roots means to settle in, to become fixed or established, to reside or dwell deeply, to create a sense of 'home'.There are tremendous benefits to deep roots. Plants that are deeply rooted have better access to water, oxygen and nutrition; they contribute more to the health of the environment around them, they endure drought or stress better, are more stable and less prone to disease. This Sunday we begin a new series on the Apostle Paul's letters to the church in Thessalonica. We've called this series Hope for Today, Faith for Tomorrow. Paul wrote these letters to encourage the Thessalonian believers to grow in their faith; to develop a faith so deeply rooted within them that every facet of their lives was transformed by the gospel. The kind of faith that is steadfast, authentic, joyful, and contagious. That's the kind of faith that changed the world then, and continues to do so, if we have the courage to cultivate it.
Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: http://dsf.church/ecard
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#dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2025sermon
Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Ekklesia | Part 6 | The Enemy Within | Chris Voigt
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Do you have siblings? I'm the oldest of four. And like most brothers and sisters, we had our share of squabbles. But at the end of the day, no matter what - and there was plenty of 'what' to get annoyed or frustrated about - we were family. And family sticks together. As we grew up, we all took different paths. We had different interests, skills, dreams, and beliefs. Though we all grew up together and share some similarities, we are unique individuals, with different perspectives. I suppose we could let those differences divide us, but we don't. We are family. And family sticks together. This Sunday we are wrapping up our series, Ekklesia. As we do, there is one critical aspect of being part of the Church yet to unpack. It's a non-negotiable for anyone who identifies as a follower of Jesus. There is no opt-out available. We are all called to walk in, live in, and demonstrate what unity looks like in the midst of a completely broken world. Because we are brothers and sisters. We are family. And family sticks together.
Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: http://dsf.church/ecard
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Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Ekklesia | Part 5 | The Wonder of It All | Chris Voigt
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
I assume you woke up this morning. That wherever you are, the sun came up again. That there is air in your lungs. And that you can see to read these words.
Do any of these things surprise you at all? Probably not. They happen without any effort on your part. The very fact that they are predictable and ordinary has stripped away the wonder we should feel for these gifts from God. Instead, we mostly, take them for granted.
I grew up in church. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know about Jesus… about His love for me, His death on the cross for my sin, and His resurrection. It is such a familiar story, that though my heart is filled with gratitude for God’s love, I will admit, I am not often in awe of it. I am prone to take that which I know of so well, for granted.
As we come to week five in our series, Ekklesia, we will look with fresh eyes at the wonder that filled the early followers of Jesus. And hopefully, in so doing, we will fan the flame of wonder within our own hearts.
Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: http://dsf.church/ecard
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Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Ekklesia | Part 4 | Big and Bold | Chris Voigt
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
It's one of the least likely places in the world for Christianity to flourish. Talking openly about Jesus there can cost you your freedom, perhaps even your life...Ghazal, an Iranian convert to Christianity shared her story with an online Christian magazine. She wrote, "I am speaking on behalf of millions of Iranians who live in the Islamic Republic or elsewhere, whose lives have been touched by Christ. New generations of Iranians are thirsty for the truth and they are seeking it. Thanks to technology and people who put their lives in danger to spread the truth of the Bible and the love of God for us, the people of Iran are learning the promises of our true God."According to an article on medium.com, Christianity is growing by nearly 1 million people per year, in the world's most overt Islamic theocracy. The article continues, saying, "This growth is coming from evangelism-- Christians boldly telling their fellow Iranians about Jesus, risking imprisonment, banishment, and death every time they do."When was the last time you did something bold... took a risk to share the truth about Jesus - not rudely, but kindly, grace-fully, with someone who doesn't know Him?As we come to week 4 of our series, Ekklesia, we're looking at what it means to have bold faith. Not a get-in-your-face, demand my rights, shouting match kind of faith. But the kind that loves courageously, shares honestly, and speaks up even when you want to stay quiet.I hope you'll join us this Sunday at 11 AM. You can worship with us via Facebook, YouTube, or by clicking the 'Join Us Sunday' button on our website. But better by far would be to join us in person. So take a risk and come have a cup of coffee and make a new friend. We would love to connect with you.We do know that 11 AM on Sunday doesn't work for everyone. If that's you, the service will be available on-demand, so that you can watch at a time that works better for your schedule.We look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday!
Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: http://dsf.church/ecard
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#dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2025sermon
Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Ekklesia | Part 3 | Our Turn | Chris Voigt
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Imagine with me for a minute… it’s the 9th inning of a do-or-die Major League Baseball playoff game. You’re warming up in the on-deck circle; stretching, jumping around to get the blood flowing, and swinging a bat for all it’s worth. You are hyped and ready to go. There are already runners at first and second, when the batter just ahead of you smacks a single, the runners advance, and holy-moly, the bases are loaded and it’s your turn! This is your moment… you’ve trained and prepared for this, you have the skills, you’ve studied the pitcher, you know what to look for. You are ready. But instead of walking to the batter’s box, you turn and walk to the bench. “I think I’ll sit this one out, Coach,” you say. “Somebody else can take my turn.”
It’s a far-fetched scenario, I’ll admit. IF we’re just talking baseball. But, when it comes to other things in life, it might not be as much of a stretch as you think. Every day, we are gifted with opportunities to step into moments where we can make an impact on the life of someone else – perhaps the kind of impact that changes their eternity. But far too often, we forfeit the opportunity.
As part of Jesus’ ekklesia, you are on the team. You have a role to play. Are you gonna sit on the bench or will you step up and swing?
Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: http://dsf.church/ecard
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#dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2025sermon
Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Testify (2024) | Chris Voigt
Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Thursday Jan 16, 2025
We’ve come to the end of another year. Is it just me, or are our trips around the sun getting faster? Before we get swallowed up in the pace of a new season, I think it would be helpful to hit the ‘pause’ button, just for a moment.The Bible tells us more than 200 times to remember… most often referring to remembering God and His work on our behalf. This Sunday, we’re going to take some time to look back at 2024, to remember what God has done in us and to declare His faithfulness to us.
Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: http://dsf.church/ecard
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#dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2024sermon
Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.