
Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Freedom... it's a concept that we cherish in our country. But not everyone thinks about freedom the same way. Some think of freedom in terms of what they are released FROM; things like obligations or limitations. Others look at freedom in light of they are released FOR - a purpose, calling or passion. As followers of Jesus, we are both... free from sin and death and freed for a purpose! In our study of Paul's second letter to the Corinthians this week, the Apostle Paul encourages them and us to understand and step into the calling that we have been freed FOR.
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Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Jars of Clay | 2 Corinthians | Part 5 | Breaking Down the Tent | Jon Sprouse
Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Actions speak louder than words. We've all heard that before. And we would probably all agree... in theory. But it's a lot easier to talk the talk, than it is to walk the walk. As we continue in our study of 2 Corinthians this week, we find the Apostle Paul emphasizing the importance of using what we've been given - our fragile, earthly bodies - to share the hope of Jesus with others. Not just our words, but our lives, in everything we do, think, and yes... say. Who we are is just as important, if not more so, than the words we speak.
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#dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2024sermon
Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
We are often tempted to view ourselves through the lens of what is wrong, broken, or inadequate. When life presses us, we naturally focus on our limitations—our human fragility. But Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 3 and 4 turn that thinking on its head. He speaks to a reality that is as radical as it is liberating: God’s glory is most powerfully revealed not in our strength but in our weakness. This week, we will explore what it means to live in the reality of God’s new covenant, how that transforms us, and how our frailty allows God’s light to shine more brightly.I invite you to join us this Sunday as we continue in our 2 Corinthians series: Jars of Clay - His Strength :: Our Weakness. Our service is at 11 AM. You'll find us on Facebook, YouTube, or by clicking the Join Us Sunday button on our website. Or better yet, come join us in person!If 11 AM doesn’t work for you, the service will be available on-demand, so that you can watch at a time that works better for your schedule.-----------------------------------
Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: http://dsf.church/ecard
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#dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2024sermon
Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Thursday Oct 24, 2024
Jars of Clay | 2 Corinthians | Part 3 | What’s That Smell? | Michelle Snook
Thursday Oct 24, 2024
Thursday Oct 24, 2024
What's your favorite smell?Most people would agree that there are certain things that smell good... freshly baked cookies, clean laundry, and bacon on my plate. And there are other things that definitely do NOT smell good... diesel exhaust, skunk spray, and the bedrooms of teenage boys. But there are also things that smell good to some people and awful to others... things like cilantro or gasoline and whatever it is that gives Home Depot and Lowe's their distinctive 'hardware store' scent.Scientists who research such things say that it's most likely that the scents we like or dislike are learned behaviors. The sense of smell is strongly linked to our memories. So maybe the reason I love the smell of gas is because it reminds me of family road trips when I was a kid. The Apostle Paul, in his second letter to the Corinthians, points out that those who follow Christ have a distinctive scent - we bear the fragrance of Christ. To some it is warm and inviting, but to others it can be offensive. What makes the difference?Join us this Sunday as we continue in our 2 Corinthians series: Jars of Clay - His Strength :: Our Weakness. Our service is at 11 AM. You'll find us on Facebook, YouTube, or by clicking the Join Us Sunday button on our website. Or better yet, come join us in person!If 11 AM doesn’t work for you, the service will be available on-demand, so that you can watch at a time that works better for your schedule.I hope you'll join us this Sunday.
Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: http://dsf.church/ecard
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#dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2024sermon
Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Jars of Clay | 2 Corinthians | Part 2 | Integritas | Chris Voigt
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
As I sit in my office this afternoon, it is 65° in our corner of the northwest; the skies are blue, the breeze is calm. The only debris in our parking lot is from the fall leaves that are starting to drop. But in the southeast corner of our country, things are very different. A couple weeks ago, Hurricane Helene wreaked havoc as she tore her way across Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas, leaving devastation in her wake. And last night Florida was once again pummeled by Hurricane Milton. The destruction is mind boggling. Now that the storm has passed, Floridians wait... for power to be restored and for water to recede. It will take weeks, months, perhaps even longer to assess the true cost of the damages and to rebuild what has been destroyed. Part of the assessment process will be to evaluate the integrity of the structures - roads, bridges, buildings, and the like - that were impacted by the storm. To have integrity means to be whole, unbroken, consistent. It's important to know that the roadway is safe, that the foundation is stable, that the walls won't collapse. Integrity matters.This week as we continue in our study of 2 Corinthians, we find the apostle Paul weathering a bit of a storm. His integrity is being questioned. But in the process he models for us what it looks like to be a person who is consistent, reliable, a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of person, the same in public that he is in private... a person of integrity.I invite you to join us this Sunday as we continue in our 2 Corinthians series: Jars of Clay - His Strength :: Our Weakness. Our service is at 11 AM. You'll find us on Facebook, YouTube, or by clicking the Join Us Sunday button on our website. Or better yet, come join us in person!If 11 AM doesn’t work for you, the service will be available on-demand, so that you can watch at a time that works better for your schedule.I hope you'll join us this Sunday.
Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: http://dsf.church/ecard
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Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
I've had the privilege of traveling by air quite a bit in my life. Along the way, I've experienced the variety of accommodations that various airlines provide. Domestically, flying with Delta is always my preference. And flying Comfort+ (or better) is definitely worth the extra expense. But airlines in other countries don't always offer the same upgrade options that US airlines provide.I recall a particularly UNcomfortable flight from Buenos Aires to San Juan, Argentina. The plane was significantly smaller, in what felt like every way possible. To make matters even less comfy... we were seated just behind the exit row - which had been pushed backward to allow more room for emergency exiting. But no adjustment was made to the row - our row - behind... we were just jipped on legroom! Why?? Why not adjust the subsequent rows? Why did I land in THIS seat? Why me?Obviously, I lived to tell the tale. We made the flight safely - no emergency exiting required. Our trip was successful. All went well... better than expected, actually. But the process of getting there still hurt.
Life is a lot like that trip. No matter how well prepared or well-planned you are, unanticipated inconveniences, struggles, problems, or even tragedies, bring pain and suffering into our lives. We'd much prefer to sit in Comfort+ all the way to our intended destination, but that's not usually how it works. And there's a reason.I invite you to join us as we begin a new series this Sunday on the book of 2 Corinthians. We've titled it, Jars of Clay - His Strength :: Our Weakness. As we open up this letter that the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth, we'll find some answers to the question of "why does God allow suffering?".Our service is at 11 AM on Sunday. You'll find us on Facebook, YouTube, or by clicking the Join Us Sunday button on our website. Or better yet, come join us in person!If 11 AM doesn’t work for you, the service will be available on-demand, so that you can watch at a time that works better for your schedule.
Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: http://dsf.church/ecard
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Message Notes: https://www.dayspringfellowship.com/sermons
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#dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2024sermon
Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
Running on Empty | Part 4 | Fill ‘Er Up | Chris Voigt
Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
Are you a go-until-your-gas-light-comes-on kind of driver or do you head for your favorite gas station when you're at about a quarter of a tank? Or maybe you're like me, and prefer to fill up when you hit the half-tank mark. Whatever your habit for filling your tank, imagine what it would be like if you pulled up to the pump and only put in .08¢ worth of gas. Ridiculous, right? It certainly wouldn't be enough to get you much farther! And if your tank is on 'E' you might not even make it to the next gas station!Research tells us that the average adult attention span these days is a mere 8 seconds. That's about how long most people are able to focus without getting distracted. So it's no wonder that we're moving through life running on fumes. We can't sit still and focus long enough to get our tanks filled... distraction is draining us dry!I invite you to join us for the final message in our series, Running on Empty. We'll look at ways we can learn to be still enough in the presence of our Heavenly Father to fill our spiritual tanks and close the gap between the reality of our daily lives and the abundant life Jesus promises us.Our service is at 11 AM on Sunday. You'll find us on Facebook, YouTube, or by clicking the Join Us Sunday button on our website. Or better yet, come join us in person!
Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: http://dsf.church/ecard
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#dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2024sermon
Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Running on Empty | Part 3 | Just Do It | Chris Voigt
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Elijah was one of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament. Yet even he wasn’t immune from the effects of burnout. As he reached the desert, he was literally running on empty. Physically, emotionally and spiritually spent. Done.
If you’ve ever felt like Elijah, you understand the overwhelming, hopeless feeling that comes when you’re ready to give up.
Join us this weekend for the third message in our series, Running on Empty, as we look at ways to close the gap between our lives and the abundant life Jesus promises us. You’ll always find us on Facebook, YouTube, or by clicking the ‘Join Us Sunday’ button on our website. Or, you can join us in person. But we’ll be glad to see you however you choose to connect.
Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: http://dsf.church/ecard
Give Online: https://www.simplechurchgiving.net/App/Giving/dsf
Message Notes: https://www.dayspringfellowship.com/sermons
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Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Running on Empty | Part 2 | There’s a Hole In Your Bucket | Chris Voigt
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Your car might have a leak in the radiator, or maybe the engine is leaking oil, or the power steering fluid is seeping out somewhere. For those things, there are Stop-Leak products that can be helpful - at least for a bit. A leaky tire can be remedied with a can of Fix-a-Flat or FlatOut... it'll at least get you to the nearest Les Schwab. These products, used effectively make is possible for our radiators, engines, and tires to be filled with the right stuff in order to function like they're supposed to. Wouldn't it be great if refilling our souls could be as simple as using the correct product? We all have leaks in our lives... things that drain us. Some we can fix, others we just have to manage. But what if I told you that there are strategies that you could use to help fix the leaks and/or refill your bucket? Join us this Sunday as we continue our sermon series, Running On Empty. You can connect with us online via Facebook, YouTube or by clicking the 'Join Us Sunday' button on our website. But better yet, come join us in person. [Spoiler alert: all those smiling faces will help fill your bucket!] Bring your 'bucket' and be refilled. You'll be so glad you did!
Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: http://dsf.church/ecard
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Message Notes: https://www.dayspringfellowship.com/sermons
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#dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2024sermon
Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.

Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Running on Empty | Part 1 | Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep | Chris Voigt
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Have you ever noticed how many stories in the Bible are about emptiness and how God fills it?
In every instance of emptiness, when all had been poured out, used up, exhausted, depleted…
God stepped in bringing fullness, light, hope, and joy. And not just a little bit… but abundant,
overflowing, unimaginable fullness and delight.
Are you running on empty these days? At the end of your proverbial rope, like Elijah? More
month than money (or groceries) like the widow of Zarephath? Depleted of resources, low on
energy, losing sleep, or just lost in a dark place? I invite you to join us as we begin a new sermon series this week called, Running On Empty.
Come as you are. Empty-handed is just fine. God will meet you, fill and refresh you. We can’t
wait to welcome you.
Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: http://dsf.church/ecard
Give Online: https://www.simplechurchgiving.net/App/Giving/dsf
Message Notes: https://www.dayspringfellowship.com/sermons
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#dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2024sermon
Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than your spiritual growth.